Whistler is a great place to invest. It’s only a 3-hour drive away from Vancouver International Airport, so easily accessible for the steady flow of international tourists looking for accommodations.

The first thing you need to know about rental properties in Whistler is that you will make enough to cover your expenses (property taxes, strata fees and Tourism Whistler fees) but not enough to cover your whole mortgage. An average return on investment is 2-4% after you pay your expenses and rental management fees for a phase 1. And between 4-6% for a phase 2. These are just approximates and vary depending on how much you use the property yourself, what time of year you use it and if you self manage or use a management company. Investing in Whistler has to be a lifestyle choice; you have to want to use the property yourself for it to be worthwhile.

  • Whistler Real Estate Company
  • #17 – 4308 Main Street
    Whistler, BC, Canada
    V8E 1A9
