It is important to work with a local mortgage broker or bank that is familiar with Whistler properties and their nuances. They will help you determine what you can afford.

After advising you on the differences, benefits and drawbacks of each home/area, we narrow down options and then schedule viewings. A shortlist of 6 properties per outing is the average.

Offer variables include price, subject conditions (home inspection, financing, etc.), completion/possession date, and inclusions/exclusions.

Depending on the variables, the offer will be accepted, rejected or countered by the seller.

Usually after 2-4 rounds of negotiations, an offer is either accepted or rejected by one party. If it is accepted, we continue with legal paperwork and start your due diligence on the property.

Contracts are written in favour of the buyer and there is a 1-to-2 week period where you do your due diligence with a property inspection, finalize financing, and review the title search, property disclosure statement and strata documents, etc. If you are satisfied to remove your subjects, it will become a firm and binding contract.

A deposit is generally due within 48 hours after subject removal. The amount due is usually 5% and will be held in our Whistler Real Estate Company trust account before being transferred over to the lawyers to form part of your down payment.

You will want to set up a time with your lawyer to sign the final documents for the legal transfer of the property within the week before your completion date.

Your completion date is when the property is legally transferred into your name and the funds are transferred to the seller. The date of possession, usually the day after completion, is when you get the keys.

I’m always happy to hear from my buyers whether it’s the next day or the next year. I can provide advice, recommendations, market updates – whatever you need.

  • The Whistler Real Estate CO. LTD.
  • #17 – 4308 Main Street
    Whistler, BC, Canada
    V8E 1A9
